Quality Foods Sand Sculpting Competition

July 11 - 13, 2025

The competition begins with “pound up” on Thursday, July 10 when the sculptors build and fill their forms.  Once their forms are filled and the sculptor feels they are solidly packed, they may remove their forms and begin to carve.

Gates open to the public to watch the sculptors carving starting Friday, July 11, at 2:00pm.

Judging will take place on Sunday, July 13, from 3:00-4:30pm and the winners will be announced on-site at approximately 5:00pm.

Missed the competition?  No need to worry!  You can visit the exhibition from July 14 through to August 17, 2025.  Gate is open from 9:30am to 8:30pm daily.


Put your business in the spotlight and reach over 100,000 potential customers.  There are many ways to participate!  If you don’t find the right fit for your business and budget, we would be happy to customize a benefit package to suit your needs.  Contact us at info@parksvillebeachfest.ca.


Master sculptors from all around the world apply to participate in Parksville’s annual competition each year.

Today Is
10 Feb 2025