Our Volunteers

Where would a community be without the many volunteers who provide their expertise, talent and time to benefit others?

Non profit volunteer organizations may apply to be ‘Goodwill Gate Ambassadors’ for the Quality Foods Sand Sculpting Competition & Exhibition. Their job is to staff the gates and greet visitors during the Competition weekend and 5-week Exhibition. Each volunteer group commits to between 4 and 8, 3 to 4 hour shifts throughout the Festival. This is a large commitment of time and resources and the Parksville Beach Festival Society could not do it without them!

In exchange for their volunteer time during the Exhibition, each organization shares in the proceeds from the donations collected at the gate. In some cases, this is the organization’s largest fundraiser for the year. In 2024, $80,941.50 was shared amongst 21 volunteer groups, who in turn used this money to support their various community projects.

Meet our 2024 Volunteer Gate Ambassadors
Volunteer Info

Volunteers are the backbone of Parksville Beach Festival.


Master sculptors from all around the world apply to participate in Parksville’s annual competition each year.

Today Is
10 Feb 2025